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Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Exploding Total Doubles In A Week

In one of the latest reports the number of exploding Galaxy Note 7 has doubled in a week standing at 70. Samsung was well...

Samsung Faces Lawsuit From Galaxy Note 7 Owners

Samsung's problem has not seem been solved with the complete recall of its Galaxy Note 7 flagship smartphone due to overheating batteries. Alleged victims...

Rapo Repair: Samsung Offering Free MicroSD Cards To French Note 7 Consumers

We know Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 is not being sold. Everyone across the world knows the device has been recalled twice and completely following...

Samsung Finally Makes Available Note 7 Devices For Note 7 Replacement

The warning is ongoing still most of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 users seems not bothered about the risk of explosion. Samsung Electronics America President...
5G phones pricy, bigger, poor battery backup

5G phones pricy, bigger, poor battery backup

Are you well prepared to embrace the upcoming 5G technology data revolution, the ultrafast speeds that will knock your smartphones in few...

How To Convert Smartphone Into PC

There are couple of options available to turn your smartphone into a PC and it is believed one day the trend can lead to...

Samsung Galaxy Note Fe May Not Hit Shelves Before July 30

If you are waiting for the Samsung Galaxy Note Fe, the wait could be a bit longer as it is learned the device may...

Samsung To Remotely Bar Note 7 From Charging If You Have Not Returned In...

If you are one of those who have not yet returned the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 even after the final recall from Samsung, here's...

Moto Z2 Play: Brand Moto is yet in the battlefield of smartphone market

The mobile market has seen lots of brands as the participant in the mobile market. There was a time when the basic phones were...

Why WWDC 2017 Is Moving To San Jose From San Francisco

Amid all the rumors on several tech websites about Apple's iPhone 8, the anniversary edition flagship smartphone, it is learned the next-generation version of...