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A Survival Kit — Knowing What to Include in It

A survival kit should be kept packed and ready to go in case of an emergency situation such as a natural disaster, or even...

Human Evolution on the African Savannah or Coast

The Great Apes seem to be our closest relatives and it is thought that our ancestors separated from their line several million years ago....

Fire and Habitat Loss

Fires can cause grave damage to ecosystems and habitats, killing off individuals and populations, and destroying the resources upon which they depend. However, incorrectly...

Beer, Wine, and Baking Yeast

Yeast use oxygen for respiration, or aerobic respiration; however, according to the NASA News article, "Planets in a Bottle––More About Yeast," by Dr. Tony...

Types of Organic Pesticides for Natural Pest Control

There are many types of natural pest control options. Here is a list of some of the more common ones. Boric acid - This is...

Natural Pest Control for Home and Garden

With so much concern about the harmful effects of chemical based pesticides, many are turning to natural pest control options. These organic pesticide options...

What Is a Bacterial Growth Medium

Agar, a nutrient-rich Jell-O-like substance derived from seaweed, provides a solid, moist surface for bacteria to grow on in a laboratory environment. Tryptic Soy...

Common Picornavirus Infections

Picornaviridae is a family of animal viruses characterized by a small size and RNA genome (“pico” = small, “rna” = RNA, “viridae” = virus)....

How to Choose Chicken Eggs for Hatching

Raising chickens is an increasingly popular hobby as more people are looking for ways to get eggs and chicken meat that are healthy and...

Forensic Science in Popular Culture

The popular CSI trilogy has thee official wikis, one for each brand and countless unofficial fanfiction sites, where fans indulge in their wildest fantasies...