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Scuba Diving With the Wobbegong Shark

To a novice scuba diver, diving with a wobbegong shark may seem like a dangerous activity. But this fear would come from the word...

Mountain Biking through Andean Highlands and Cloud Forests in Mindo, Ecuador

This beautiful biking route starts at about 2,800 m in the capital city of Ecuador, Quito. From Quito, bikers will cycle almost 70 km...

Dog House Training

The first area of dog training many people want to imprint on their dogs is house training. The key to good dog training is...

Dog Behaviour Advice

Dog training is not a simple task and we don't have the luxury of sharing the same language as our four legged friends so...

Games and Activities for Your Young Ones in Camps

When looking for fun outside of the campground's prescribed activities, Linda White and Fran Lee suggest in Sleeping in a Sack: Camping Activities for...

Activities and Games for Young Campers

While many campsites now offer electricity for the benefit of users, it's unlikely that campers will be spending their time watching television or playing...

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for First-time Moms

Many new moms go through a lot of life changes when their first baby is born. Some give up exciting careers to become stay-at-home...

Hobby Gift for Mom

If the mother has a favorite passtime or hobby, she might really appreciate a gift related to it. For example, if there's something that...

Review – Robin Hobb’s Dragon Haven Book

The Dragon Keeper was a dazzling series opening from highly respected fantasy author Robin Hobb. It left the reader desperate to find out what...

Things to Know About Helmet

For motorcycle riders, a helmet is the most important piece of safety gear they own, and in some states, owning and using one is...