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Tips On How To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs can be defined as people who create a new product and/or provide a new service and further develop their creation into a small...

Top Tips For Buy-To-Let Property Investors

Buy-to-let is a good segment in properties business and the concept has been thriving for more than two decades. However, lately things have change...

What Is A Winning Business Plan

A business plan is required when you are starting a new business or upgrading the existing one as it summarizes a description of what...

Employers’ Tips: How To Manage Virtual, Remote Employees

Virtual or remote employees are growing these days with the advancement of technology. However, it is not an easy task for employers to manage...

Following T-Mobile, Verizon Too Launches Unlimited Data Plan

Finally Verizon has announced unlimited data plan after downplaying on several occasions. Rolling out on February 13, the new offering is dubbed as Verizon...

What Cybersecurity Insurance Companies Need To Do

The cyber insurance premiums were a $2 billion business in 2015 and current projections show it to grow over $20 billion in 10 years...

Should Samsung Start Manufacturing Phone Batteries

The battery issues are over for Samsung, but consequences will likely be staying for about months even though a ton of work has been...

The Most Interesting News from CES 2017

Each year at Consumer Electronics Show, the top technology companies from all over the world come to show off what they have planned for...

From Yahoo To Altaba, Marissa Mayer Destined To Twitter CEO?

The world will remember Marissa Mayer more than Yahoo. Some important things happened while she was in charge of the tech company. May emerged as...

From Steve Jobs To Tim Cook iPhone Boasted To Change Lives

When Steve Jobs said every once in a while a revolutionary product comes that changes everything, very few of us realized at the time,...