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Our Footprint on the Earth: Investigating the Negative Impacts of Human Presence

Our actions as humans have undeniably left an indelible mark on the planet. From industrialization to urbanization and the exploitation of natural...
The Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide

The Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a clear, slightly more viscous than water, liquid commonly used as an oxidizing agent. Generally, hydrogen peroxide concentrations...
The Constellations Piscis Austrinus and Grus

The Constellations Piscis Austrinus and Grus

Piscis Austrinus (occasionally seen spelled as Pisces Austrinus) and Grus are two constellations with a few bright stars and very faint deep-sky...
Functions and Structure of Ribosomes

Functions and Structure of Ribosomes

Ribosomes are small organelles made of RNA and protein that carry out the important work of translating mRNA templates into proteins.
The Galaxy M87 - Elliptical Galaxy with Pronounced Jet in Virgo

The Galaxy M87 – Elliptical Galaxy with Pronounced Jet in Virgo

The Virgo Cluster of galaxies is home to more than 2,000 galaxies and the nearest galalxy is the giant M87, the heart...
Alternative Energies and the Functions of the Sun

Alternative Energies and the Functions of the Sun

What is solar power? Solar power is the energy of the sun. It is also the source of almost all the energy...
Is a Wandering Mind a Bad Thing?

Is a Wandering Mind a Bad Thing

Even though everyone knows what it is like for their mind to wander, psychologists have shied away from studying the experience because...
How an Automotive Radiator Cooling System Works

How an Automotive Radiator Cooling System Works

The engine's cooling system pumps a mixture of water and coolant through the engine where it collects heat. The coolant water mixture...
Heat Death of the Universe

Heat Death of the Universe

The idea of the heat death of the universe was proposed following the discovery of the laws of thermodynamics. These laws, in...

Benefits and Safety Issues Concerning Genetically Modified Foods

It is a well-known fact that genetically modified foods, or GM foods, are currently being consumed all around the world. According to...


From Lemon Party to Blue Waffle: Things You Should Never Google,...

The internet is an amazing thing. We often think of it as being the same as Google, which is a very popular...