Can You Get Drunk Off Vanilla Extract? What Are The Risks?
Vanilla extract has alcohol in it

Vanilla extract has a substance called alcohol, which can make you feel intoxicated if you consume a lot of it. It is important to be careful because having too much vanilla extract can be dangerous and cause alcohol poisoning.

When you soak vanilla beans in a mixture of alcohol and water, it creates vanilla extract. You can find bottles of vanilla extract in the baking section of stores, and people often use it in small amounts when making cakes and sweet treats.

But some teenagers who want to try something new and people who are trying to stop drinking alcohol may consider drinking a whole bottle of vanilla extract to get drunk. They might think it is not dangerous at first, but it is important to know that vanilla extract actually contains a lot of alcohol, which can be risky for your health. Let’s learn more about “Can You Get Drunk Off Vanilla Extract?

How much alcohol is in vanilla extract?

To make vanilla extract, vanilla beans are soaked in alcohol for several days. Even after the beans are taken out, and the liquid is made, there is still a good amount of alcohol in the final product.

The amount of alcohol in vanilla extract can vary depending on whether you buy “real” or “pure” vanilla or an imitation vanilla product.

  • Real vanilla extract can have as much as 35% alcohol in it.
  • Fake vanilla (artificial) can have as little as 2% alcohol in it.

The alcohol content in the pure vanilla extract can differ depending on the brand. Some brands have up to 35% alcohol, which is similar to strong vodka. However, when you use a teaspoon of vanilla extract in a recipe, there’s only a tiny amount of alcohol, around 1%.

The small amount of vanilla extract used in most recipes is not enough to make you feel drunk. Additionally, when you bake with vanilla extract, the heat removes any remaining alcohol, so you do not need to worry about getting intoxicated from your baked goods.

Can You Get Drunk Off Vanilla Extract?

<strong>Vanilla Extract<strong>

In simple terms, drinking enough pure vanilla extract can make you drunk. However, imitation vanilla extract is unlikely to make you drunk, no matter how much you drink. If you were to try drinking a large amount of pure vanilla extract, you would most likely get sick before feeling tipsy due to the large quantity you would need to consume.

Pure vanilla extract is very potent when consumed in large quantities. It is usually sold in small one-ounce bottles, and based on its alcohol content of about 35%, drinking four one-ounce bottles of vanilla extract is like having four shots of vodka.

However, there is a good reason why people do not usually drink vanilla extract for fun. If you drink a lot of it, it will not taste good, and it can cause various uncomfortable and possibly harmful effects, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach
  • Allergic reactions
  • Difficulty sleeping

How much vanilla extract can be dangerous?

The level of danger when drinking vanilla extract depends on how much you drink. One risk is that you might end up consuming more alcohol than you think.

For example, pure bourbon vanilla extract usually has 35% alcohol. If you drink two shots worth of this vanilla extract, it is like drinking two shots of strong alcohol, which can make most people feel tipsy. If you continue drinking more, you’ll start experiencing more severe signs of being drunk.

The alcohol in flavouring extracts, such as vanilla, can affect your body’s central nervous system, similar to drinking strong alcohol. This means:

  • Your breathing may slow down and become more shallow.
  • You might notice your pupils getting bigger and feel a warm sensation.
  • As you consume more of the extract, you will start to feel intoxicated.
  • It can be easy to lose track of how much you have consumed.

Just the impaired decision-making caused by being drunk can easily lead to unhealthy drinking habits.

When someone consumes a large amount of any product to get drunk, there is a high risk of alcohol poisoning. If you drink a lot of vanilla extract, it is important to watch out for signs of alcohol poisoning. If not addressed quickly, alcohol poisoning can be life-threatening.

Recognizing Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning happens when you drink alcohol too quickly for your body to handle. The initial signs include changes in your breathing and heartbeat, which can quickly lead to losing consciousness.

If you suspect someone might have alcohol poisoning, it is crucial to contact a poison control centre right away to get them the necessary help.

The main signs of alcohol poisoning include:

  • Slow and irregular breathing
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of colour in the skin or lips
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Reduced body temperature
  • Seizures

Ways to Avoid Misusing Vanilla Extract

Since real vanilla extract has a lot of alcohol, it is important to take steps to prevent anyone, especially minors or individuals with a history of substance abuse, from misusing it.

Here are some tips to prevent misuse:

  • Store vanilla extract in a secure place, out of reach of children and those at risk.
  • Monitor the usage of vanilla extract and keep track of how much is being used.
  • Educate family members and individuals about the dangers of misusing vanilla extract.
  • Consider using alternative flavourings, such as imitation vanilla, which typically have less alcohol content.
  • Seek professional help or support if someone is struggling with substance abuse issues.

Simple steps to prevent misuse of vanilla extract:

  • Before buying vanilla extract, check the percentage of alcohol it contains.
  • Store vanilla extract in a high place or a locked pantry to keep it out of reach.
  • Mark the bottle each time you use it, to notice if someone is misusing it.
  • Purchase smaller amounts of vanilla extract to reduce the risk of excessive consumption.
  • Consider buying alcohol-free alternatives to vanilla extract.
  • Teach your family about the risks of alcohol poisoning.

By following these tips, you can ensure the safe and responsible use of vanilla extract in your home.

Read More: Can You Get Drunk Off Vanilla Extract? What Are The Risks?