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Android System Intelligence

Unlock the Power of Android System Intelligence

Android system intelligence is an advancing field of technology that deals with the development of intelligent mobile systems. It involves using artificial...

What Is a Bacterial Growth Medium

Agar, a nutrient-rich Jell-O-like substance derived from seaweed, provides a solid, moist surface for bacteria to grow on in a laboratory environment. Tryptic Soy...

Natural Pest Control for Home and Garden

With so much concern about the harmful effects of chemical based pesticides, many are turning to natural pest control options. These organic pesticide options...

Water on the Moon

Back in 1999, the Cassini spacecraft detected what seemed to be water molecules and hydroxyl on the moon. In 2009, data analyzed from NASA's...
Security Applications for Artificial Intelligence

Security Applications for Artificial Intelligence

AI applications have a tremendous amount of promise in the area of security. With the improvement of voice-recognition, facial recognition and statistical...


Simple Career Tips Students Must Follow (Part I)

Career making is a sensitive thing and it should be paved carefully. A small mistake may land you in big trouble in later part...