Where Is Larry Ray's Daughter, Talia Ray, living now? - Tech Preview

The guy who got his daughter’s friends at Sarah Lawrence College into a strange group is in jail. But where is Talia Ray these days?

Back in April 2019, The Cut shared a really scary story about a group that did bad things like selling people, being mean, stealing things, and more. It’s strange because these days, stories about real crimes are quite popular. But what made everyone feel so bad was that this group started when the boss guy moved into his daughter’s college room.

Back in September 2010, Larry Ray, who had been in jail for trying to help his kids escape a bad mom, went to live in his daughter Talia Ray’s place at Sarah Lawrence College in New York.

Many years later, he got a big punishment – 60 years in jail for doing bad things like making money in a bad way, being violent, scaring people, and more. That’s what the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York said.

Larry’s victims are still getting better, but what about Talia Ray?

Talia Ray was just like her college buddies, believing the same things:

When Talia was as young as 8, her dad, Larry, started making her believe things. One of her friends from when they were kids said that even in second grade, Talia told her their house had poison in the walls or attic, which her dad made up. He kept telling this lie for many years and even used it at Sarah Lawrence College.

Where Is Larry Ray's Daughter, Talia Ray, living now? - Tech Preview

Talia Ray

When Larry Ray got out of jail, he asked his daughter if he could stay with her at school. People thought it was strange, but Talia already thought her dad saved her and her sister from their mom’s bad care. So, of course, she wanted to help him.

At first, living in the dorm was good. Larry showed me movies and got the students fancy food. But it soon turned into a really bad situation with things like bad touching, making people do bad things, and scary punishments and threats.

As the Post said, it looked like Larry wasn’t just mean to his daughter’s friends. He did similar things to Talia and his other daughter, Ava.

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What happened to Talia Ray and her sister, Ava

In February 2020, Talia, who was 30 years old back then, hadn’t talked to her sister Ava for almost 15 years, as the Post said.

Talia used to have a video where she talked about it, but she deleted it. In the video, she said, “Ava, my sister, was really little when we got separated, and now she’s turning 15. It’s been so long that I don’t even know what she thinks or what she’s been told or how she’s been doing without us being close.”

Their parents split up in 2004, and Talia said their mom, Teresa, was mean to her. But the people who checked on the kids didn’t believe her because Ava didn’t say the same thing. Ava was just 4 years old, and when they asked her if her mom hurt her, she said, “That’s what Daddy tells me to say.” So, their mom got to keep them. Ava stayed with her, but Talia chose to stay in places for young people instead.

Where is Talia Ray now

After her dad got in trouble with the law, there were talks about Talia maybe getting in trouble, too, but it didn’t happen. She’s been staying away from the public eye since her dad’s bad actions became known. There’s a Twitter account that is hers, but it’s locked. The bio there says, “AVA I LOVE YOU & I MISS YOU EVERY DAY! xoxo Always, Your Big Sister.”

Talia hasn’t put anything on Facebook since August 2020, when she talked about voting. She used to work as a paralegal in Durham, N.C., and was part of the state’s Democratic party, as the Post said. But now, it seems like she’s gone, and people are wondering how much her dad’s actions affected her.