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Alert Women – Know How To Keep Heart Healthy (Part II)

Alert Women – Know How To Keep Heart Healthy (Part I) The FDA ruled in 2015 that trans fats are not safe for use in...

Parasitic Worm Infections Boost Female Fertility: Finding

The Tsimane women in Bolivia are believed to be the most fertile in the world with an average family size of nine to ten...

Binge Eating Disorder Signs And Treatment (Part II)

Binge Eating Disorder Signs And Treatment (Part I) Binge eating disorder signs It has been seen binge eating disorder patients are well aware of their condition....

Hepatitis B Symptoms and Preventions

Hepatitis B Symptoms Unfortunately, one of the most common symptoms of hepatitis b is no symptoms at all. Asymptomatic infections, or those without symptoms, are...

How to Lower Cholesterol LDL Levels

Understanding how cholesterol numbers are referred to can be a difficult task. A cholesterol test will typically show results for a total...

Coffee and the Mind

Coffee is a well known to be quite a flavorful stimulant. Warm, fragrant and delicious a little of this is great to...

Why Sun To Be Avoided For Skin Care

It comes as no surprise when we hear about the levels of cash people spend on the various skin care products that grace the...

How to Become an Ultrasound Technician

Ultrasound is a challenging career. It is used to examine disease process in the body without the use of ionizing radiation, which is used...

Autism People Are More Creative: Study

In a new study it is found those who possess autism characteristics are more creative compared to those who do not. Details of it...

Bacteria and Body Odor

Types Excessive bacteria is a major contributor to body odor. According to radio talk show host and practicing physician Dr. Gabe Merkin, an individual experiencing...