What is the ‘Cancel Koda TikTok’ hashtag? Car influencer’s insult leads to backlash

What is the ‘Cancel Koda TikTok’ hashtag? Car influencer’s insult leads to backlash- Tech Preview

There is a TikToker named “Koda” who talks a lot about cars and upset many community members by making fun of another car influencer’s boyfriend because he has scoliosis. In this medical condition, the spine is curved.

What does Cancel Koda TikTok mean?

The hashtag “Cancel Koda TikTok” means that people express their disapproval and call for results against a TikToker named Koda. This hashtag gained popularity after another TikToker named Dalton shared a video where he showed the comments made by Koda in one of his videos. The hashtag has received more than six million views as of now.

In a talk with Koda, when talking about Sky_z33, who is maces2k’s boyfriend, she said,  “…He made a lot of effort to improve himself, but nothing can fix his stupid back.”

In a video that has been removed since then, pictures of Sky’s back were shown with the words, “Do you find this amusing? Screw you.” The person also made another video where they used the hashtag as a caption, encouraging others to do the same.

Just a few hours later, Sky, in a video that has been deleted, responded to the comments made about him on his own channel. He used a soundbite that said,  “Or… you can go screw yourself, and I will continue doing what i an doing.” Sky also added a caption to the video, saying  “Point of view: You attack me for a disability that I have absolutely no control over. I am grateful to every single person who supports me.”

Scoliosis is when the spine curves sideways and can range from mild to severe, sometimes leading to visible changes in posture.

After the video calling her out, Koda made her TikTok account private and has not said anything about the situation yet.

If Koda does comment, we will let you know. In the meantime, you can visit our TikTok section to find more viral news and other interesting stories.

Read More: What is the ‘Cancel Koda TikTok’ hashtag? Car influencer’s insult leads to backlash