
Regression testing, a crucial step in software development, involves testing previously tested software features again to ensure they continue to work correctly after the software has changed. After new features or modifications have been made, regression testing is required to find any potential flaws that may have been created. Using software tools to execute regression tests automatically is known as regression test automation. Scores that replicate user activities on the software, such as button clicks or data entry, can be written to accomplish this. These scripts can then be tested to see if they achieve the desired results. Automation technologies can speed up continuous integration and deployment, boost test accuracy and dependability, and decrease the time and effort needed for regression testing. 

  • Menial repetitive tasks are eliminated by automated testing: Regression testing necessitates a significant amount of repetition, such as entering data or navigating menus; automated testing eliminates these tedious, repetitive tasks. Testers can gain time savings and lower the possibility of human error by automating these tasks. As a result, testers are freed up to concentrate on harder but more worthwhile jobs, such as exploratory testing, where they can find possible problems that automated tests might not have found.
  • Automated testing enhances the performance and stability of applications: Regression testing makes sure that software upgrades and revisions do not negatively affect the stability or performance of the program, which is why automated testing enhances both of these factors. The possibility of human mistakes is decreased by automating these checks to guarantee that they are carried out consistently. Automated tests can mimic a large number of users using the software at once, which can assist find performance issues that might not be obvious with a single user.
  • Automated testing is designed for scale: As software applications get more complicated, more regression tests are needed to make sure there is sufficient test coverage. The number of tests required or the pace of development may make manual regression testing impractical. Organizations can scale their testing efforts by using automated testing to run a large number of tests efficiently and effectively. Automated tests can be run concurrently, cutting down on testing time and guaranteeing that tests are run consistently across various environments.
  • More coverage is provided by automated testing: More coverage is provided by automated testing since it may be utilized to validate a variety of situations and edge cases that would be challenging or time-consuming to test manually. Automated tests can be set up to run repeatedly, which enables testers to find flaws that may only occasionally occur. Automated testing can help discover possible problems earlier in the development cycle and decrease the cost and time needed to remedy faults by increasing test coverage.


Software development teams may find regression test automation to be a useful tool. Organizations can automate their regression testing efforts across various platforms and technologies with the help of Opkey, an end-to-end testing platform. Opkey offers several features, such as codeless API testing, scriptless test automation, and continuous testing integrations, that can assist businesses in accelerating their testing efforts and raising the overall calibre of their software.