Lesser-known features of Apple Maps you should start using.

Apple map

From turning off Siri’s voice to clearing frequent-location data while driving, these apple map features will help you use map in an efficient way.

You might be opening Apple maps while traveling places every day, looking for gas stations, café , grocery stores and what not. Update you Apple map to take advantage of coolest feature to make travelling convenient for you. Read to learn these super cool apple map feature that you don’t know about and will definitely love it once you start using them.

  • 3-D model map- apple map shows building by default in 2d mode. But now you can change it to 3D mode just by placing two fingers on the screen and dragging them upwards. This feature works for satellite as well as transit map view. You will be able to see the building in panorama view by zooming in.
  • Clear location history- now you will be able to clear the location history of the places you last visited or frequently visit. Go to privacy. Go to Privacy (in settings) > Location Services > scroll down and tap System Services > scroll down to tap Significant Locations.  Then enter the pass code to move to the further steps and you will be able to see the location history. You will see a clear history option at the bottom end.
  • Flyover Tour- when you will search for any city in apple maps, you will be given an option to turn on flyover mode. You will get to see the city from the sky view and can zoom closer to see the buildings. This will make judging distance between two landmarks a lot easier. Move your phone sideways, down and up to view different parts. Take a city tour in aerial view just by tapping on a start city tour.