PS5: Can you finally buy a PS5 eBay with this Major Change?

The PlayStation release created a lot of hype for this console, but the stock is still intact and will end any sooner. However, plenty of factors are responsible for the skyrocketing scarcity of this console, where the pandemic played an essential role as it eradicated the supply chain of play station five and even affected manufacturing. As a result, many people are trying to get their hands on the official website or land-based retail store; many are leading the frontline by selling these consoles on e-commerce websites like ps5 eBay.

The premium charge on selling a ps5 eBay is exceedingly, and it sometimes doubles the price of the entire console compared to retail stores. However, the story continues, as many people use this opportunity to scam people with dummies or fake consoles. Some buyers have come across sellers who are not even bothering to send a dummy to the customers.

Recently eBay has started to address the entire scenario and officially announced that their team is working to eradicate every possible listing from the website that seems like a scam. Furthermore, the platform has requested users to be extremely careful while making any purchase related to PlayStation five as they must check their reviews and authenticity.

EBay has decided to refund your money through its money-back guarantee policy if you are one of the victims of this scam. You must check the description of the product before buying, and you should have a look at the reviews of the seller.

Is Ps5 available on eBay?

Yes, a few sellers are selling the console on ps5 eBay.

What if you fall into this scam?

eBay has promised refunds to all the users who have fallen for this scam.


Undeniably, eBay is one of the most successful e-commerce platforms; some scammers are selling fake or no ps5 just by showing their picture on the website. You must be aware of this scam.

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Aanchal Rao