Wedding vows are a personal and profound part of any marriage ceremony, so renewing vows is a special way to commemorate an anniversary, celebrate with loved ones, and mark special times in a husband and wife’s life together. Couples may choose to renew their wedding vows for many reasons and in many different ways.

Reasons to Renew Wedding Vows

Every couple has a different reason for reaffirming their marriage in this special way. Some of the most popular include:

  • Celebrating a special anniversary.
  • As an excuse to throw a party for family and friends who may not have been able to attend the original wedding (e.g. if the wedding was in a foreign country or was a small, private ceremony).
  • To have a religious marriage if the original wedding was a civil ceremony, or vice versa.
  • Couples who were married while attending university, or just out of high school, may want to celebrate in style now that their budget and lifestyle allow it.
  • Couples who have been through challenging times together and want to renew their commitment to one another.

One of the common testers of genuine love is time and circumstances. A strong love that has endured challenging times deserves to be renewed in the presence of family and friends. However, you must accompany your vow renewal with befitting women’s and Men’s Wedding Bands. Whatever the reason, renewing wedding vows can be a romantic and profound symbol of an enduring relationship.

A Small Renewal of Vows or a Big Celebration?

The big decision in a vow renewal is where the ceremony will be held and how large the party will be. Some married couples prefer a quiet, intimate church ceremony, while others host a lavish celebration with hundreds of guests to celebrate their 10th, 20th or 50th anniversary.

Whatever the size or the locale, the focus should be on the vows and the reaffirmation of love, rather than on gifts or trappings of a wedding. Renewal ceremonies afford the opportunity to include the couple’s children in the event, but there will usually be no official attendants, bridesmaids, or best man.

Renewing Vows at a Romantic Destination or Vacation Spot

Destination weddings aren’t cheap, but if it’s just going to be the bride, the groom and a few close friends, a travel wedding may be the perfect choice for renewing vows. Tropical beaches, romantic European architecture, or exotic destinations like India, China, or Australia are an exciting way to celebrate enduring love while traveling somewhere new together.

Another popular choice is to recite the vows at the place where the couple first met, or the same location where they were married years earlier. Gardens, beaches, and indoor celebrations where video clips from the wedding can be shown are all popular choices.

Writing the Renewal Vows

Some couples choose to recite the same wedding vows they spoke at their marriage, while others write new words to describe the progress of the relationship from then to now, as well as projecting into their future together. Couple writing their own vows can take the opportunity to find words that are personal, authentic, and straight from the heart. There’s nothing more romantic than renewing vows with honesty, passion and love.

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Mithilesh Singh is a digital marketing consultant, blogger, and founder of Stock News Analysis