Which platform you have chosen to market your brand? Are you able to branch out and display your presence correctly there? Below are some tips how to monitor your branding work using social media:

Usefulness Of Facebook Fanpage

For those who know a little something about Facebook pages, it is to know there’s a business page and a fan page. You can have your business page and go about maintaining it aptly so as to access social media’s many features and get your brand marketed while also monitoring your page’s changes and also updates and trends in the market that can be taken advantage of.

However, you can also maintain and monitor a Facebook fan page alongside your business one. Not only is it less formal, a fan page on Facebook permits active discussions where followers can interact with the features and post photos, hold giveaways and do much more. All of these amounts to your brand name spreading by word of mouth, not to mention the links your followers will share online with other people or on their own websites and blogs.

Active Monitoring

Monitoring your brand means more than a behind the scenes approach. You have to put in an effort to see results. That simple logic means you, the owner of free social media platforms from where you can spread word about your service/product/brand, must actively spread that word.

Keep it light and breezy. Nobody likes a pushy seller. Giving them information about what you’re representing/selling and doing it using attractive colors, pictures and/or messages are a great way to get people interested without making them feel like you’re forcing them to buy something.

Chat Platforms

These specific web-page features allow new and old customers alike to ask your Customer Support staff questions and other information without the delay of composing an email. This means a lot more people, attracted by the ease of a chat feature, will show involvement and interest.

This makes it easier for you to monitor trends, demands and changes in the market and the people that comprise it. Some people assume chat features are useful only to customers. That’s true indeed, but they also afford the company behind the brand/service/product to be aware of what customers need and make changes to stay ahead of the competition.

Chat boxes on your site are basically programming features, so have your website developers and programmers include it when building your page/site/profile.

Other Monitoring Features

Google alerts are a great way to know what’s happening out there in relation to your brand. By doing this and performing regular searches on Google about your brand you can monitor changes, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) trends and more, making your brand monitoring even more effective.

Google and Twitter have ‘real time’ search features that you can take advantage to help with your brand monitoring efforts. In similar fashion there are free as well as paid services to help, depending on how extensive your monitoring plans are.

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Mithilesh Singh is a digital marketing consultant, blogger, and founder of Stock News Analysis