The boom the EdTech industry has witnessed due to the events of 2019 and 2020 can be considered a silver lining for the education field.

This sudden growth spurt has proved a double-edged sword as EdTech companies are struggling to scale and manage their IT infrastructure to keep up with the demand.

This is where enterprise cloud migration for EdTech companies can be a game changer, and this blog will tell you how. 

Cloud Migrations in a Nutshell

If you are still getting familiar with the concept of cloud computing, this is for you. Traditionally, organizations followed an on-premise enterprise model.

In simpler terms, each company operated its services, which means it invested in the required infrastructure and was responsible for its maintenance, upgrades, and data security. All in it was a resource-heavy and costly affair.

On the other hand, cloud infrastructure is a model where a “cloud service provider” sets up and manages the infrastructure, i.e., the hardware, the storage, and the networks, and delivers these resources as a service over the internet. The benefit is that you only pay for what you use.

Cloud migrations are the process of moving all of your IT infrastructure, i.e., your applications, the data, security protocols, and other entities, from your servers to the cloud service providers.

What Benefits Does Enterprise Cloud Migration for EdTech Companies Hold?

EdTech companies can benefit from many benefits by switching to a cloud-based infrastructure. Here are the most significant of them:

1. Significant Long-Term Cost Benefits

The crux of any business is profits; the less you spend for every penny earned, the higher your profits will be. Migration to the cloud will, essentially, reduce your IT infrastructure costs significantly without affecting your organization’s productivity.

An on-premise IT infrastructure is a massive capital expense, considering the expensive hardware and software it requires. Add to the recurring expenses of their upkeep and the physical infrastructure needed to house all of the above, and the numbers rise even further.

With a cloud-based system, you only need to pay for the resources you use. Moreover, most cloud-based service providers have robust redundancies in place and boast upwards of 99% uptime.

Enterprise cloud migration for EdTech companies replaces variable capital expenses with predictable operational expenses.

2. Flexible Scalability

With cloud-based systems, you only pay for the resources you use. This makes scaling up or scaling down operations an effortless endeavor via dynamic on-demand cloud resource allocation.

With an on-premise infrastructure, operational costs do not come down if you do not use your facilities at full capacity. On the other hand, scaling up your infrastructure is bound to be a significant expense.

The icing on the cake is knowing your expenses when you scale and vice versa. The pay-as-you-go model works perfectly if an ed-tech company operates a cloud-based LMS or offers services for cloud-based training.

3. The Latest in Security Infrastructure

Security is crucial for the EdTech industry. An enterprise cloud migration for EdTech companies can help attain both these goals with considerable ease.

Once you move to a cloud-based infrastructure, the onus of proving adequate security falls on the cloud service provider. You no longer have to worry about security updates or patches and can rest easy knowing that your systems are running on up-to-date technology.

4. Access to New Business Models

With cloud migration, you open your doors to new business models. This includes a subscription-based service or a cloud-based learning management system.

Cloud computing for education can be a game changer for everyone involved, and the benefits you reap from an enterprise cloud migration can also be extended to your end customers. With remote accessibility, students and teachers can access resources, connect, and collaborate from virtually anywhere.

You will also be able to provide your services on a global scale.

5. Access to the Latest Technology and Faster Innovation

Finally, enterprise cloud migration for EdTechcompanies will give you access to the latest cutting-edge technologies on the cloud, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Data analytics, to name a few.

With access to these technologies, you can create learning experiences for your clients that are more engaging, personalized, and effective for their end users.

For instance, AI and ML can help analyze data from various sources, such as user feedback, learning outcomes, and behavior patterns. Furthermore, Data analytics can help evaluate the impact and effectiveness of your products and services and identify areas for improvement.

In tandem, these technologies can help you leapfrog ahead of your competition in terms of a better product for your clients while reducing your time to market. It’s no surprise that cloud transformations for Higher Ed companies are in great demand right now.

The Drawbacks You Should Be Aware of

As with every piece of technology, cloud-based systems also have a few downsides to factor into your decision-making process of migrating to the cloud. They are:

1. Your Services are Now Internet-Dependent

With an on premise IT infrastructure, all your systems are interconnected in a LAN and can function even during an internet outage.

Without cloud-based systems, however, your systems are at the mercy of internet services. That said, large-scale internet blackouts are extremely rare but a possibility nonetheless.

2. Nothing on the Internet is 100% Secure

While all the top cloud service providers take security extremely seriously, there is always an element of risk involved in the form of cyber-attacks.

Raising awareness among your employees and clients is a good practice to safeguard your systems.

3. It Does Involve a One-time Front Expense

Although an enterprise cloud migration guarantees significant cost benefits in the long run, there is a significant upfront cost of undertaking the exercise of the migration itself.

You also need to consider the expense of retraining your in-house teams on the new systems.

Summing Up

An enterprise cloud migration for your EdTech Company promises numerous transformative advantages. It can set you up in a strategic position that will allow you to quickly adapt and align with the EdTech industry’s rapid growth and demands.

Its benefits are compelling and have been clearly illustrated in the above sections. It’s also crucial to acknowledge the few drawbacks that could come with this change.

Based on the industry’s current trajectory, it is clear beyond the measure of a doubt that the future of the EdTech industry lies in the cloud.

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