Candy Montgomery's Story Shocked the Nation in 1980 — Where Is She Today?

Candy Montgomery, even though there was strong proof against her, did not end up in jail. So, where is she now? Let us find out what is happening with her today.

Did Candy Montgomery act like a caring Christian mom or someone who did a terrible thing with an ax? You need to choose for yourself after watching two shows about her, which tell her real story in very different ways.

The first one is called “Candy,” and you can watch it on Hulu since May 9, 2022. The second one is “Love and Death,” available on HBO Max since April 27, 2023. Even though they do things differently, both shows explain what happened between Montgomery and her friend, Betty Gore.

However, no matter what you think about this old debate, you might also be curious: Where is Candy Montgomery these days?

Where is Candy Montgomery now

It might be surprising, but Montgomery was declared “not guilty” for the killing of Betty Gore. Even though there was much proof against her, she did not go to jail. Montgomery hit Gore with an ax when they argued about her having a relationship with Gore’s husband. The strange thing is that Gore’s body had 41 ax wounds, which is quite unusual for an accident.

Before this terrible event, Montgomery was well-liked in her town. She was a homemaker with two kids in Wylie, Texas. Her husband, Pat, worked as an electrical engineer and gave their family a good life.

Montgomery often went to church and became friends with Gore at Sunday services. She also got involved with Gore’s husband, Allan, after watching him play volleyball at church.

Montgomery wanted some excitement in her marriage with Pat, so she started talking about having an affair. She and Allan made a plan with rules to keep their feelings in check. Their secret meetings went on for months.

Even though they were cheating on their spouses, Montgomery and Allan still wanted to stay married to their own partners. In fact, Allan’s wife was expecting a baby while their affair was happening.

After having her baby, Gore began to realize that her husband did not love her like before. She discovered that he was seeing Montgomery. Gore wanted to talk to her friend about it, but sadly, that conversation ended in her death.

The facts in this case look very obvious, so it is hard to figure out why Montgomery was not found guilty of murder.

Today, Candy Montgomery is said to live in Georgia and uses her original last name:

Some people think that Montgomery escaped punishment for the murder by saying it was self-defence. She was found not guilty and moved to Georgia with her family after the trial.

However, running away from your history isn’t that simple. After moving, her marriage with Pat ended, and they got divorced. Now, she goes by her maiden name, Wheeler. As for her job, you might be surprised to know that she works as a mental health therapist for teenagers and adults.

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People May Ask

Where is Candy Montgomery now?

She and Pat got divorced four years later. As per Entertainment Weekly, Candy changed her name back to Candace Wheeler (her original last name) and lives in Georgia. She works as a mental health counsellor alongside her daughter, Jenny.

Where is Allan Gore now?

Allan lives in Sarasota, Florida, with a life partner. Betty’s parents raised his daughters, Alisa and Bethany, instead of him. Candy and Allan said their affair started on December 12, 1978.

Where are Betty Gore’s daughters now?

Between Betty’s murder and Montgomery’s 1980 trial, Allan reportedly got remarried, and Alisa and Bethany went to live with Betty’s parents. The Gore kids moved to Kansas, and Alisa, who now goes by Lisa, is there with her husband, Jonn Harder, and their two sons, Sam and Jacob.

How did Candy get declared not guilty?

The district attorney, Tom O’Connell, argued that Montgomery could have run away instead of attacking Gore. He also said that 41 attacks were too much. A jury, consisting of nine women and three men found Montgomery not guilty on October 30, 1980.

Did Pat divorce Candy?

According to a report from Texas Monthly, Candy and Pat moved from Texas to Georgia about two years after her trial to start fresh and have a more peaceful life. They then got divorced in 1986. Pat is now in his 70s, and it is unclear if he has stayed in touch with Candy since they separated.

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Aanchal Rao