Simple Career Tips Students Must Follow (Part II)


Simple Career Tips Students Must Follow (Part I)


Location should not be an hindrance in grabbing opportunities. You may not like spending summer in Washington D.C. or New York, but if there’s a good internship available, just grab it.

Freelance, Intern Remotely

Sometimes companies offer remote internship or freelancing. If you don’t like certain location, just ask them whether they are open for such facilities. If yes, its an added advantage to you.


As a student you should talk to everyone whom you know. They can be your relatives, your neighbors, or even your parents. Try to discuss the kind of work you are looking for. It is also worth reaching out to your old high school teachers if you have not yet managed getting internship for the summer.

Wider Network

Sometimes summer internships get very competitive and so it is suggested to apply to a variety of places instead of sticking to just one or two companies. Before applying make a list of about 10 companies that offer internship and then approach them.

Professional Resume

Your resume should reflect professionalism. Companies like to hire those employees who have professional attitude. Highlight your experiences clearly in the resume and accompany it with examples.

Don’t Get Attached To One Job

It is risky to get too much attached to one job. You should be open to work in better company too. Also, don’t discount a company just because you have not heard about it earlier. Do some research and find out further details of the company, employer and working atmosphere. If it suites you, do apply.